There are many problems that could require you to receive corrective treatments for your gums and jawbone. Our experienced periodontist will carefully examine your mouth and jaw to determine if you need a corrective treatment and which type of treatment is right for your needs. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Jaklin Morovati and learn more about gum and jawbone corrective treatment in New York City, New York, call our office at 212-297-2567.

Common gum treatments include:

  • Crown lengthening – Also known as a gum lift, this treatment is performed to correct “gummy” smiles and to expose more of your tooth’s structure (often prior to additional restorative care). It also creates a more aesthetic gumline!
  • Gum grafts – Also known as soft tissue grafting, this treatment is often recommended after gum recession. It works to correct a crooked smile and restore symmetry to the gumline.
  • Pocket reduction surgery –Pocket reduction surgery cleans the root surfaces of the teeth beneath the gumline to remove tartar, plaque and bacteria and help begin restoring the health of your gums and bone. Antibiotics may also be administered.

Common jawbone treatments include:

  • Sinus augmentation – This is a type of bone grafting procedure for the upper jaw. It is typically performed prior to dental implant placement. Also known as a sinus lift, it ensures that you have sufficient bone tissue to support the implant and ensure it remains stable and functional in your mouth.
  • Ridge modification – This bone grafting procedure is recommended to treat deformities in the jawbone that have occurred due to birth defects, trauma or periodontal disease. Indentations and other defects are exposed and filled with bone grafting material to improve the line of the jaw and ensure that your supporting bone can support implants.
  • Bone grafting – Bone grafting thickens the jawbone to allow for the successful placement of dental implants. It may be performed on the upper or lower jaw as needed and may also be used to perform nerve repositioning treatments. Grafting material is generally harvested from another area of the mouth or body, though it can also be synthetically created if needed.

For more information, and to schedule your consultation, contact our team today!